Autonomous Driving
From driver assistance to autonomous driving, thanks to the latest technologies, automobiles have become increasingly safe and clean.
From driver assistance to autonomous driving, thanks to the latest technologies, automobiles have become increasingly safe and clean.
From driver assistance to autonomous driving, thanks to the latest technologies, automobiles have become increasingly safe and clean.
A Huge Opportunity Toward Mobility Transformation
Autonomous driving (AD) has generated sizable interest. The buzz started with a wave of bold announcements by tech companies and automakers about their plans to launch vehicles with conditional and high automation when the enormous potential and recognized. AD will be a game changer in the automotive industry, it is becoming a key buying factor for customers.
More Time Released for Drivers in Vehicles
Technical progress already allows a high degree of automation.
With automated driving, drivers activate the system as desired and do not have to monitor it permanently. They are thus able to relax and in certain circumstances are prompted to take over the driving in good time.
With autonomous, driverless driving, a driver no longer needs to monitor the system. Driving on different routes is possible without driver intervention. The vehicle is fully capable of performing the driving entirely on its own on all types of roads, at all speeds, and under all environmental conditions. The system masters the task in every situation. The passenger has no driving-related tasks but could take over the controls if the vehicle concept provides for this.
Levels of Driving Automation for Vehicles
Based on the extent to which a driving automation system can perform dynamic driving tasks, the assignment of roles in performing dynamic driving tasks and the presence or absence of restrictions on operational design domain, the driving automation is classified into Levels 0 to 5.

VDA China Activities
With certain established committees and working groups, VDA China conducts communication with members on a regular basis covers all ADAS/AD topics. The ongoing discussion is to review all ADAS/AD relevant standards being drafted, to evaluate technical challenges and the possibility for Type Approval to guarantee the product development smoothly and to minimize the risk and cost effort for technical adaption.
In 2019, VDA China and CAAM jointly released the report of “Recommendations on Laws and Regulations of ICVs in China and Germany”, therefore have strengthened the communication and coordination in terms of laws and regulations. Jointly with CATARC, the report themes “Comparison of Sino-German Connected and Automated Vehicle Standardization Roadmap” was released in 2019 to provide useful recommendations for reinforced ICV standardization cooperation.